HomeDealsTorre Santamaria

Torre Santamaria

Deal Type
Deal Type
Company sale
Vital Sector
Energy & Sustainability
Completion Date
Completion Date
21st June 2023
Deal Value
Deal Value
Not disclosed

Company Background

Torre Santamaria is a milk farm with around 2000 productive cows, which owns a subsidiary that transforms the waste from the farm in biomethane (with an energy production of 30 GWh/per year)

Deal Summary

We assisted on the sale of a majority stake in the company to a group of two investors, after previously having raised finance for the enlargement of the AD plant and the installation of an upgrading unit to transform the biogas into biomethane.

Value Added

First we proposed the separation of the biogas plant from the farm, to find, as a way to generate cash for the farm by selling a stake in the biogas plant.
From then on, we assisted in raising finance for its enlargement (during 2020) and once the enlarged plant was operational in the selling of a majority stake.

Torre Santamaria deal contacts

Key members of the Norgestion deal team crucial in the Torre Santamaria transaction

German Ramon-Cortes
