HomeOur SectorsJacek Lewandowski

Jacek Lewandowski



Jacek has over 15 years of experience in financial advisory. His expertise encompasses the leading of public offerings and underwritings of debt and equity issues, privatisations, Management-Buy-Outs as well as M&A transactions in a wide variety of market segments.


Jacek Lewandowski is the founder and the President of the Management Board of IPOPEMA Capital Group. Before founding IPOPEMA in 2003, Jacek was employed at Dom Inwestycyjny BRE Banku S.A., Polski Bank Rozwoju S.A., Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego S.A. and Commercial Union. Jacek is a graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics with a major in Management.


Jacek has over 15 years of experience in financial advisory. His expertise encompasses the leading of public offerings and underwritings of debt and equity issues, privatisations, Management-Buy-Outs as well as M&A transactions in a wide variety of market segments.

IPOPEMA is the exclusive Polish partner of Mergers Alliance