HomeDealsDB SOFT


Deal Type
Deal Type
Company sale
Vital Sector
Completion Date
Completion Date
14th September 2023
Deal Value
Deal Value
Not disclosed

Company Background

DB Soft is a leading software & IT-service provider of Laboratory Information and Management Systems (LIMS). DB SOFT provides LIMS solutions especially for clinical, pathological, genetic and microbiology laboratories. The company is based in Madrid, Spain. By now, more than 130 laboratories in Spain are successfully managing their daily operations with the software of DB Soft.

Deal Summary

NORGESTION has acted as exclusive financial advisor to DB SOFT in its sale to GREENPEAK PARTNERS' portfolio company PARATUS HOLGING. The investment in DB SOFT by PARATUS is a strategic building block in establishing a global leading healthcare software and IT-service provider. The founders of DB Soft placed their trust in PARATUS through a significant reinvest.

DB SOFT deal contacts

Key members of the Norgestion deal team crucial in the DB SOFT transaction

Jose Manuel Vidal
